Your Headquarters for Honda™
Auto Services & Repairs

Oil Changes • Tune-Ups • Transmission Repairs • Auto Maintenance

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


Does your Honda need maintenance to keep it running smoothly? Mostly Honda offers a wide variety of auto services for your Honda no matter the model. Our experienced, Honda-certified mechanics have more than 25 years of experience as well as the knowledge and skill to tackle any auto repairs. Our shop offers you personalized service by professional mechanics who pay attention to detail and are fair as well as honest.

Complete Honda Specialists:


Major Engine Work • Tune-Ups • Oil Changes • Brakes • Transmissions
Electrical • Exhaust • Computer Diagnostics

Auto Repairs with a Dedication to Quality


From basic oil changes to major transmission work, our auto repair shop is your solution for your car’s needs. We take pride in our work, so we complete each repair with a dedication to quality. Our auto mechanics fix the problem and then educate you how to maintain your car. Visit our auto maintenance shop in Concord, California, for your auto services and repairs.

Save on Your Honda's First Auto Service!

About Our Repair Shop

Being a locally owned and operated maintenance shop, we take great pride in providing our customers with top-quality products and excellent service. Mostly Honda carries and uses the top brand names in parts and fluids from our warehouse to keep your Honda running smoothly, such as Valvoline™. In addition, our mechanics educate you on your automobiles’ needs, so your vehicle runs perfectly for years.

Visit Us in Concord, California, for Honda Auto Services and Auto Maintenance!

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Contact Us

9 + 15 =


1090-B Detroit Avenue
Concord, CA 94518-2497.


Tel. (925) 682-4235


Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 5 pm